Friday, March 20, 2020

Management Decision and Implementation Essays

Management Decision and Implementation Essays Management Decision and Implementation Essay Management Decision and Implementation Essay Manager as a Problem Solver and Opportunity Seeker Introduction â€Å"Managers are playing three characteristics and ten roles†. HenryMintzber Principles of Management- R L. Daft (p. 31) See the definition of manager. So managers have to play many roles in management. Problem Solver and Opportunity Seeker is one of the roles very important to deciding the organization’s persistence. â€Å"Decisions making is the process of identifying problems and opportunities and then resolving them. Decision making involves effort both before and after the actual choice. † †. Principles of Management- R L. Daft (p. 255) Decisions making is an important process follow by Managers who response to opportunities and threats. It can be identified as the mental processes resulting in the selections of a course of action among several alternatives. Decline or Progress of any organization is depending on the decision taken by the management. A managers primary function is to solve problems. A managers understanding of his or her approach to problems and problem-solving style most often used is an essential early step to becoming a more effective creative problem solver. Managers scout the problems, make decisions for solving them, and monitor the consequences to see whether additional decisions are required. Good decisions making is a vital part of good management, because decisions determine how the organization solves its problems, allocates resources, and accomplishes its goals†. Principles of Management- R L. Daft (p. 254) As mentioned the above managers should make the decisions ag ainst the problems and opportunities by selecting the best way and using allocated resource. Managers have to be patiently waited for the opportunity to solve the problems. That mean we can be aware of the manager as a problem solver and opportunity seeker who carefully choose the path to reach the goal. We can examine here how perform the role of problem solver and opportunity seeker by a manager. Problems, Opportunities and the Manager As mentioned the above identifying the opportunities and problems and steps taking to solve them by the managers decision making is doing in one of two basic problem-solving styles: * Systematic. Systematic thinkers are logical and rational. They prefer narrow and focused problems, step by step processes, rules to be followed, and computer programs that grind to a recommendation. * Intuitive Intuitive thinkers are more comfortable with solutions that just came to them. Compared with systematic thinkers, for the intuitive thinker, data are less important, complexity is less bothersome, changing external and internal environments are expected rather than assumed away, and being more or less right is more important than being precisely wrong. On the other hand, we can recognize three types of decision making models. 1. Classical Model 2. Administrative model 3. Political model. According to the systematic decision making system the subsequent steps are followed by the managers Six Steps of the solving problems- Decision Making Process. 1. Recognize of decision Requirements-what is the problem? 2. Diagnosis and analyse of Causes-what are the causes of the problem? 3. Development of Alternatives-what are the possible solutions to the problem? 4. Selection of Desired Alternative-Which is the best solution to the problem? 5. Implementation of Chosen Alternative- what action do we take? 6. Evaluate and Feedback. -What was the result? Decisions against the opportunities. Opportunities are concerning with the many fields of management. One can seek the opportunities for solve the problems in day to day activities. One manager seeks the opportunities to correct the wrong decision already taken. The other one will seek the rooms for expand the business. Decision are given for opportunities must be improvement oriented and the decision must be taken by considering the Sensing (Logically amp; Sensitively), Sizing (Measuring) and Seizing. First of all the steps managers are looking how to deal with the problems because of some problems are not equired solution and some are very quickly needed. So * Managers tend to deal with problems in one of three ways: 1. Avoid them refuse to recognize that a problem exists or not in harm 2. Solve them as necessary deal with the urgent 3. Seek them out anticipate avoiding them becoming urgent The following six questions are available in systematic system- step-by-step approach to problem solving: 1. What are the problem/ Opportunity? A problem occurs when accomplishment is less than expected. The expectation may be a goal, a standard of performance, a rule or a policy. Even if performance is greater than expected, a manager may still see room for improvement. This form of a problem is called an opportunity. Managers have little opportunity for success if they cannot distinguish problems from symptoms of problems. Working on symptoms rather than the base problem rarely leads to problem solution. Problem identification requires continuous surveillance of the internal and external environments within which the business operates. Attention to bits and pieces of information from various sources in combination with experience, judgment and intuition are all part of problem identification. . What are the causes of the problem? More than a careful statement of the problem is necessary to solve it. The manager needs to know the underlying causes of the problem. The following list of questions should be helpful for problem diagnosis and discovering the causes of a problem: * When did the problem occur? * Where did it occur? * Who was involved in the problem? * Were the people involved carefully selected, trained and motivated? * What equipment and facilities were involved in the problem? * What events or conditions were connected to the problem? * What were the hints of an impending problem? What calamities, crises and/or unusual events contributed to the problem? 3. What are the possible solutions to the problem? Creative problem solving requires careful attention to possible solutions for the problem. A paradigm of many possible solutions differs dramatically from satisfaction with the easy and familiar. 4. Which is the best solution to the problem? From the list of possible solutions, one must be selected. The size of the problem and complexity of the problems causes determine how much effort the manager can justify for choice of a solution. Criteria for choice of a solution should reflect the organizations mission, goals and culture. 5. What actions do we take? The first four steps are for naught if the chosen alternative cannot be implemented. Implementation requires resources, courage, persuasion, attention to detail, evaluation of progress and corrective action. Example from the Customs At the end of year 2009, many problems arose about the outside panel examinations. Situation (What are the causes of the problem? ) * 100 to 150 CusDecs were selected for panel examination per day. * 200 to 350 containers had to be examined. Most of the goods were perishable. So it was highly concerned about delay for release the cargo. * Officers have made many reports and complained to the head of the examination division and it was the time to suggest the better procedure for cargo examination. Challengers Most of the cargo allowed for outside panel examination were perishable and they have must been released within a short period. * Outside Examinations of Containers have not been done by the officers properly due to the many reasons. ( examination have to be done in very difficult situation, place in un safety) So: a. There were many threats to the economy and society. b. It was directly involved with the Customs revenue. c. It was brought bad impressions to the Customs. * Officers were faced many threats and unrest. d. Examinations have to be done at the importers place or public place e. Many places were not suitable surrounding (space, labors, equipments) f. Examination time schedules have not been followed g. Suitable transport had not been provided * As a government department it was a very difficult to provide the container examination facilities to entire importers. As the situation was unavoidable and the solutions were immediately required, examination division look in to the opportunities for solve the problems. The following conditions have been measured for appropriate solutions. * Yard for the containers examination immediate out of the Colombo port * Space for more than 250 containers per day. * Containers movement Controlling facility and security of the cargo * Facilitation for the officers The selected best solution- (Which is the best solution to the problem? Call a privet facilitator to provide the yard under the above conditions. Initiated Action (what action do we take? ) In May, 2009 a new container yard at Orugodawattha had been opened and presently all the perishable and some general cargo which were earlier released through the green channel are examine in this yard. Facilitation for the container examination, containers parking,, cargo storing , have been provided by the RCT (Ravi Container Terminal) the facilities for the sta keholders( wharf Clerks, labors, lorry drivers, helpers and officers) also have been provided by the RCT. Under the DC Cargo examination 10 Officers were appointed for the day examinations and after office hours the other officers have been roster for the examination. Outcome of the solution(What was the result) * Major problems were solved. (Mentioned above) * Government revenue is being secured * Relief from traffic inside the Port Conclusion Decision making and implementation is essential in management for survival and better future of any organization. Some time it is not possible to evade the problems. If do not seek the opportunities, the organization will be collapsed. Therefore, it is very important that the correct decisions have to be identified and implemented at the correct time. 2. Motivating employees for achieving results Introduction Managers want to motivate employees because it gets more work from them with less effort on the part of an organization. Workers are motivated when they do something because they want to do instead of have to work or forced to do. Motivated workers do more with less supervision and contribute more to the organization. If any organization wants to achieve the top results motivating employee is good tool for it. How workers deploy at work at best? Can you force them to work best without their willingness? What makes people work harder? The best answer is, no one really knows, but there are many theories, each of which has some relevance in some situations. As manager you must be able to find what motivates people in your organization. It should be considered an art, not a science. Everyone realizes that motivation in a workforce is a good thing. The question is how to get it. To learn how to get it we must first look at what it is. What is the Motivation? Motivation is defined as something that causes or influences a person to act or perform. Motivation is the creation of conditions that encourage an employee to achieve a high level of performance. â€Å"Motivation refers to the forces either within or external to a person that arouse enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action. Employee motivation effects productivity, and part of manager’s job is to channel motivation toward the accomplishment of organizational goal. † Principles of Management-R L. Daft (p. 480) Researches indicate that the main reason for an employee to leave an organization is the failure of the organization to acknowledge the employees work. Rewarding the employees for their work is quite important as motivation is the key element required for the success of an organization Types of Motivation. â€Å"Motivation is a process that starts with a physiological or psychological deficiency or need that activates behavior or a drive that is aimed at a goal or incentive†- Luthans (2002) See this definition! It clearly said motivation has been linked with two facts. They are physiological and psychological needs. Theories of motivation have also been buildup within this concept somehow. Theoretically, there are two aspects to motivation techniques intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic Intrinsic relates to what has been described as psychological rewards, such as the opportunity to use one’s ability, a sense of challenge and achievement, receiving words of appreciation, job satisfaction, scoop for development, responsibility, work freedom . These always determined from the actions and the behavior of individual managers. In addition, needs and expectations can be distinguished in economic rewards, intrinsic satisfaction, and social relationships. Many of them are self generated Intrinsic satisfaction is provided by the work itself like interest in the job itself, personal growth and development which represents a personal orientation to work. Friendships, teamwork, and the need for affiliation are part of the social relationship that constitutes the relational orientation to work. Extrinsic Extrinsic relates the things that are tangible and generated by others such as rewards, salary, promotion, payment for overtime, recognition, ncouragement, support, work environment and working conditions. The extrinsic motivations are normally offered by the organization and the managers’ involvement in this regard is limited. Approaches to motivation â€Å"In general, there are many motivation theories, and have been divided into two contrasting groups: Here it is not the point to discuss all the theorie s in details, but we can identify some leading. Content theory Content theories of motivation define it in terms of satisfaction of needs. Explains why human needs change with time. Content theory includes the work of David McClelland, Abraham Maslow and other psychologists as they attempted to explain why human needs change, but not how they change. Content theories explain the specific factors that motivate people. In other words, they answer the question what drives behavior? It is important to remember that the following are theories, none of which have been conclusively shown to be valid. Nonetheless, they are helpful in providing a contextual framework for dealing with individuals. * Maslows Hierarchy of Needs: lower needs must be met first. Maslows hierarchy of needs is often portrayed in the shape of a pyramid, with the largest and lowest levels of needs at the bottom, and the need for self-actualization at the top. The lower four layers of the pyramid contain what Maslow called deficiency needs or d-needs: esteem, friendship and love, security, and physical needs. With the exception of the lowest (physiological) needs, if these deficiency needs are not met, the body gives no physical indication but the individual feels anxious and tense. * Self-actualization * Esteem * Belongingness NeedsD-needs * Safety Needs f Physiological needs Pig 1 * Alderfers ERG Theory: three key needs. This is further expansion of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs by Clayton Paul Alderfer by categorizing the hierarchy into his ERG theory. They are existence, relatedness and growth. He categorized the lower order needs (Physiological and Safety) into the existence category and love and esteem needs into the relatedness category. The growth ca tegory includes the self actualization and self esteem needs * Herzbergs Motivation-Hygiene Theory. ( Two Factor Theory ) This was developed by Frederick Herzberg. In this theory he describes two factors they are hygiene factors and motivators. He performed studies to determine which factors in an employees work environment caused satisfaction or dissatisfaction * Motivators are challenging work, recognition, responsibility that give positive satisfaction, arising from intrinsic conditions of the job itself, such as recognition, achievement, or personal growth. * Hygiene factors are status, job security, salary and fringe benefits that do not give positive satisfaction, though dissatisfaction results from their absence. These are extrinsic to the work itself, and include aspects such as company policies, supervisory practices, or salary. * McClelland’s Acquired Needs Theory a three-need model. (Learned Need Theory) Need are shaped over time by our experiences over time. Most of these fall into three general categories of needs: * Need of Achievement (NAch) Seek to excel and appreciate frequent recognition of how well they are doing. They will avoid low risk activities that have no chance of gain. They also will avoid high risks where there is a significant chance of failure. Need of Power (NPow) Want power either to control other people (for their own goals) or to achieve higher goals (for the greater good). They seek neither recognition nor approval from others only agreement and compliance. * Need of Affiliation (NAff) Look for harmonious relationships with other people. They will thus tend to conform and shy away from standing out. The seek approval rather than recognition. McClellandâ⠂¬â„¢s Acquired Needs Theory a three-need model Pig 2 Process theories The theories that attempts to explain human behavior. Process theory defines in terms of a rational cognitive process. * Adams Equity Theory: Balanced give and take. Equity theory looks at an individual’s perceived fairness of an employment situation and finds that perceived inequalities can lead to changes in behavior. Employees compared what they received and other receives as a result of their inputs. Mainly we can identify three occasions as 1. EquityMy outcome = Others Out puts More inputs and more gats InputsInputs 2. UnderpaymentMy outcome lt; Others Out puts More inputs and same gats Equity (Guilt)InputsInputs 3. Over payment My outcome gt; Others Out puts Same inputs and more gats Equity (Anger)InputsInputs When individuals believe that they have been treated unfairly in comparison with their coworkers, they will react in one of four ways: * Changing their work inputs to better match the rewards they are receiving. * Ask for a raise or take legal action. * Change their own perception of the situation. * Quit. * Vrooms Expectancy Theory: We expect what we predict. Expectancy theory â€Å"attempts to explain behavior in terms of an individual’s goals and choices and the expectation of achieving the objectives. The probability of an individual acting in a particular manner will increase when an employee associates it strongly with a given, attractive outcome. The theory states that motivation depends on three variables: 1. Performance-reward linkage (the person perceives a desired outcome will result from a certain degree of performance) 2. Effort-performance linkage (the person believe s a certain amount of effort will lead to performance) 3. Attractiveness (the person sees the outcome as desirable) Motivation, then, is a function of attractiveness, expectancy, and instrumentality. An individual’s perception of all three (regardless of reality) must be high for motivation to be optimized. Expectancy theory is similar to positive reinforcement, and both expectancy and reinforcement theory hold that a reward, or outcome, must be meaningful to the individual, and must be seen as highly likely to result from a given behavior to be effective. Motivating and achievement â€Å"You can take a horse to the water but you can’t force to drink† it will drink only if it’s thirsty- so with people. They will do what they want to do or otherwise motivate to do. For motivation you must have a skill which can and must be learnt. This is essential for any organization to survival and succeeds. Employee motivation is a central problem for leaders and managers, as an unmotivated employee is unlikely to expend much effort in the job, producing low-quality work. Multiple theories are available that propose sometimes contradictory, but often complementary, approaches toward work motivation We all are always think about money can make anything but the truth is deferent. Some time money can’t do even basic. So first of all we have to get beyond rational-economic assumptions. You know the idea that we all make decisions rationally based on what will give us the best economic outcome, i. e. , more money. Economics certainly has its place, but it tends to downplay the whole intrinsic side of human nature and motivation. People, almost all are concerning some other things instead of the money. Some clues are there. * People care about more than money and self-interest at work. * Intrinsic rewards are about emotions. * Doing the ‘right thing’ makes people feel good. â€Å"Nowadays, many organizations recognize that employees are not motivated olely by money and employee behavior is linked to their attitudes†- Dickson, (1973). Staff’s attitudes always link to the following point of views other than money: * Interesting work, * Full appreciation of work done, * Job security, * Good working conditions, * promotions, * 06. Freedom in work(mental amp;Physical) Motivation in Sri Lanka Customs It is very acceptable truth that the reward scheme of Sri Lanka Customs is number one in the same systems in Sri Lanka. Actually we are not known a program like that. Almost 100% of the officers are benefitting by working in the relevant branches in turn by turn. Reward, incentive, Commendation (appreciation), scholarships, work freedom, good environment, work satisfaction, proper support for higher education, Law enforcement power and powerful Acts are some of motivators in Sri Lanka Customs. But this situation and some related issues can be identified by some officers as de motivated factors. I also have noticed some incidents which are badly effect to motivation of the officers (De motivated factors). We have all the experience in Customs. Basic needs are filling with the salary, incentives and rewards. And job security is established by permanency, Pensionable and good income. Team works, Union activities, are example for belongingness needs. As a Customs Officer there is a unique recognize. We have a good chance for self-actualization within some branches. Some officers are specialist in some fields. E. g. DC Admin- he is the best gemologist in Sri Lanka. And Mr. Lesly Gamine- author of many books on Sri Lanka Customs amp; Law. Experience I have been working as an investigation officer in Post Clearance amp; Audit Branch (PCAB) for two years and acquired much experience about the motivation. PCAB was controlled under Valuation Division and we were allowed to investigate in to trade fraud. What we were motivated – Extrinsically We were ten officers and worked as a team. We were paid by the department. Office Space, vehicle, computer, and the other necessities had been provided. One experienced senior officer led the team. When we success and recovered the defrauded and penalty there was a reward for the team. Never were we forced to do some unworthy investigation. We had enough freedom for our family life and we were understood that our commitment was more important for our achievement. What we were motivated – Intrinsically Because of my knowledge used for impound the trade fraudsters I was proud like others and it was a good motivator for our team. We were begun to think that we are more intelligent than the fraudsters. By perused the limited No of documents we were able to found some huge tax defrauded done by famous businessmen and international companies. We were able to establish some fraud which practiced for long period with the help of some other government agencies. Sometimes, we went through the whole account systems of a company and analyzed. At that time we did our investigation with an expectation to determine the frauds by breaching the customs law. We used our subject knowledge practically and act as intelligent investigators or prosecution officer. Some time we produced the case in court as a lawyer. There was a very remarkable job satisfaction in that period. What was the result? We could take many smugglers to the law and some long time frauds were revealed. More than 100 million were recovered for two years and we thought it was our duty for the county. Conclusion. Usually managers aim is achieve the goal with less effort. In that purpose motivated employee is an assets the organization. Employees are motivated by self and organization. Self motivated employee must not be supervised or guided frequently. Modern world money has fallen in to second and many other human needs have been secured the top place in the list. If managers want to show their colors, they must be talent to identify employee’s emotion and sense. If any organization wants to achieve the top results motivating employee is good tool for it. 3. Effective Teams and Decision Implementation Introduction There are different levels of problems are arising in day to day functions of an organization and decision for them also would be a suitable level. Aimlessly and suddenly managers can be faced for some critical problems also. According to the situation suitable decisions are making by the managers who responsible for it. Most decisions are straightforward and routine. Sometimes, taking decisions for some problems are more difficult, but are usually focused in one area or functional discipline. These may require several or many team members to make the decision even though the implementation may be straightforward. Therefore, as an important tool for making decision implementation, effective team is good for further studies. What is a Team â€Å"A team is a unit of two or more people who interest and coordinate their work to accomplish a specific goal†- Principle of Management- RL. Daft (p. 545) Team management refers to techniques, processes and tools for organizing and coordinating a group of individuals working towards a common goal. A team is a collection of individuals organized to accomplish a common purpose, who are interdependent, and who can be identified by themselves and observers as a team. Teams exist within a larger organization and interact with other teams and with the organization. Teams are one way for organizations to gather input from members, and to provide organization members with a sense of involvement in the pursuit of organizational goals. Teams normally have members with complementary skills and generate synergy through a coordinated effort which allows each member to maximize his or her strengths and minimize his or her weaknesses. Team members need to learn how to help one another, help other team members realize their true potential, and create an environment that allows everyone to go beyond their limitations. In modern world many organizations strategic decision makers regularly use teams to solve urgent problems. Most strategic-level decision-making teams exist for brief periods to resolve a major problem or to develop national policy and strategies to meet future challenges. While these teams carry great responsibilities, they are often ad hoc in nature. Types of Teams: * Self Managed Work Teams: Self managed work teams are groups of employees who perform highly related or interdependent jobs and take on many of the responsibilities of their former supervisors. Fully self managed work teams even select their own members and have the members evaluate each other’s performance. * Cross Functional Teams: Cross functional teams are group of employees who are from the same hierarchical level but from different work areas who come together to accomplish a task. * Problem Solving Teams: In problem solving teams members share ideas or offer suggestions on how work process and methods can be improved, they rarely have the authority to unilaterally implement any of their suggested actions. * Virtual Teams: Virtual teams use computer technology to tie together physically dispersed members in order to achieve a common goal. * Project Teams: A team used only for a defined period of time and for a separate, concretely definable purpose, often becomes known as a project team Members of these teams might belong to different groups, but receive assignment to activities for the same project, thereby allowing outsiders to view them as a single unit. * Informal Teams: Informal teams are generally formed for social purposes. They can help to facilitate employee pursuits of common concerns, such as improving work conditions. More frequently however, these teams form out of a set of common concerns and interests, which may or may not be the same as the organizations. Leaders of these teams generally emerge from the membership and are not appointed by anyone in the organization Process of a Team Many processing stages perform a good team. Initiated action and capacity are very useful. Members of a team without understanding of each other will be away from the path of strategic goal. * Forming Getting to Know You The first stage is when the team is formed and members meet. They learn what the team opportunities and challenge will be. Individual members may be confused about their role or not understand the need for the team. Members will agree on goals and assign actions for work, often working independently. They gating know each other and grow awareness among the members of team and strategies. * Storming High Winds Predicted During the second stage, individual expression of ideas occurs and there is open conflict between members. Members tend to focus on details rather than the issues and compete for influence. Low trust among team members is an evident indicator of this stage * Norming Charting a Course In the third stage, the team develops work habits that support group rules and values. They use established tools and methods; exhibit good behaviors; mutual trust, motivation, and open communication increase; positive teamwork and group focus are apparent. The team relationships grow and individual characteristics are understood and appropriately utilized. Encourage to work together by solving members problems. * Performing The Action Stage The fourth stage shows high levels of loyalty, participation, motivation, and group decision-making. Knowledge sharing, cross-training, and interdependence increases by exchanging their experience. Team is self-directing in development of plans and strategy to meet their goals and carry out work. Personal growth and sharing is encouraged throughout membership * Adjourning Celebrating For project teams, temporary committees, or task forces coming to an end, there will be a finalizing stage as they celebrate and recognize group achievement. Team considers their performance and feedback. Then some mourning over the dissolving of the team relationship and begin planning for the change in individual work requirements. Team Effectiveness and implementation of decision. Decisions must be implemented by the managers of an organization through a team or any other mechanism. For that purpose, team concept is highly accepted by the management teaching. Team effectiveness is fundamental requirement for the implementation of decision. The success of a team majorly depends on much reason including vision, trust and unity, nature of leadership, member’s commitment, and intrinsic amp; extrinsic motivation. The effectiveness of communication within a team is very essential and without team communication there is confusion, misunderstandings and unhappy members. Group communication allows members to freely express themselves, and can provide accurate and comprehensive information. Communication in a team creates an environment of safety and security. When a group member feels the freedom to voice his opinion, he will feel safe in that group. These may require several or many team members to make the decision even though the implementation may be straightforward. When implementing decisions, the team can use every interaction with outside stakeholders to build relationships for the future. Resolving problems quickly and sharing successes with major enterprise participants will pay long-term dividends It may be that the implementation responsibility falls on the team leader, or a subgroup of the team. When this occurs, the individuals implementing the decision need to keep the rest of the team informed on their progress to prevent surprises. As implementation proceeds, rapid feedback is helpful in identifying issues and monitoring results. When disagreements or misunderstandings occur, they should be handled directly and quickly before they escalate. Any anticipated issues during implementation, team members can get valuable feedback on the overall. For quick results, team members should be empowered and given responsibility consistent with their roles on the team and their relationships with stakeholders. Teams, like individuals, should always make sure they follow up on promised actions and represent honest, high integrity professionalism to the outside world. Team members are at their best when they have a common perception of the intent and desired results of the decision and they can communicate these to all concerned. The things we discussed at the above and any other things affected the team effectiveness can be illustrated as follows. Team Effectiveness. Pig. 3 Team work in Sri Lanka Customs. What type of team can be identified in customs and where they are? Sri Lanka Customs is a one major department which involves to the public economics behavior and its activities are directly and significantly affected to the economy. The goods clearance procedure is concerning from the central bank to consumer in the kitchen. One or two day delay for clearance of foodstuffs will lead the government change. Therefore, customs service must be accurate and efficiency. Various type of team work can be identified everywhere in this scenario. Some teams are large some are small. But their effectiveness is evenly important to achieve the goal. As a simple example, we can consider day time work in Long room. Every day the entries submitted to the long room are satisfied in the same day except quarried one. For that purpose from DC to office assistant are working as a team which is unorganized. All the CusDecs must be satisfied in the same day is not a compulsory decision or an order. But there is core understand in the long room staff to satisfy the CusDecs which were already received for the day. Air port duty turn is another example for semi organized team work in Sri Lanka Customs. It is not consistence with the permanent staff of the BIA. Roster officers after taking over the duty points for the day at BIA, continuously cover-up the duty for twenty four hours with help of each other. This team is not earlier design one or officially established. When the officers taking over duty for the day they communicate each other and plan to cover up the duty. My experience in Custom. As mentioned earlier in topic motivation, we worked as a team in PCAB (Post Audit Clearance Branch) and we made the decisions on available information and implemented the same. What type of Team- PCAB? PCAB was established for the purpose of investigation in to the duty defrauded. At the time I served it was consisted of ten numbers of Assistant Superintendent of Customs, who had experience in investigating. We were assigned to probe in to duty defrauded occasions and recover the same. We had one main target that recovers the defrauded duty. PCAB was setup at the main office under the valuation division. DDC and SC supervised and directed the investigation officers. All the officers at head office were involving into the investigation. One senior ASC worked as OIC of the office. Each and every officer responsible for some investigations which handed over by the team leader- SC. However all officers who attached to PCAB work for the same objectives. Therefore, it can be considered as project team. What is the function of PCAB? The main activity of the branch is investigation in to the consignments and importers that have revenue defrauded. With holding the authority to investigate in to the cleared goods all the official copy (Warrant Copy) of the CusDecs are collected and perused by the officers of PCAB. The warrant copies of the suspected consignments are separate for further investigation and there are opportunities to officers for contribute the probe by their knowledge and experience. If it is decided to investigate a consignment one or two officers have been assigned and others are help to collect documents and raid the premises. When one officer records the statement the other one prepare the submission. Another one is ready to prosecution. If there is defraud, within a short period (Mostly within a 2-3 weeks) it can be recovered. Conclusion For any organisation to be effective and efficient in decision implementation and , the people in the organisation need to have a shared vision of what they are determined to achieve, as well as clear objectives for each team / department and individual. In decision implementation team concept is the best mechanism while you compare the systems of achievement. It is necessary to have ways of recognizing and resolving conflict amongst the workers, so that conflict does not become so serious that co-operation is impossible. All members of any organisation need to have ways of keeping conflict to a minimum and of solving problems caused by conflict, before conflict becomes a major obstacle to organizational work. This could happen to any organization, whether it is a business or a government. At that point communication and mutual understand are very essential. Team work is the best method among the systems used for achieve the goal. Individual or group works some time will be the fine but not everywhere. But a team (Two or more) mostly fit for any type of activity because of the team is build with much values like vision, trust and unity, nature of leadership, member’s commitment, and intrinsic amp; extrinsic motivation, co-operation, variation, and Synergy. References 1. Principles of Management-R L. Daft 2. Sri Lankan Case In Management 3. http://en. ikipedia. org/wiki/Problem_solving 4. answers. com/topic/problem-solving- 5. managementhelp. org/prsn_prd/prob_ 6. http://changingminds. org/explanations/theories/a_motivation. htm 7. Approaches to Motivation suite101. com/content/approaches-to-motivation-a252829#ixzz11V8h5Zxy 8. foundationcoalition. org/publications/brochures/communication. pdf 9. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Team_management 10. businessknowledgesource. com/blog/how_can_i_improve_communication_within_my_teams_021634. html

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