Saturday, October 19, 2019

3 negros

During the reconstruction period, the status of African-Americans in South American society is steadily worsening. Since 1877, the possibility of African-American progress has almost completely disappeared. For African Americans voting rights and political power are lost due to threats such as Lynch. The remaining political and economic interests made during the reconstruction eventually weakened by the laws of the south. By the 20th century, African Americans could hardly get political, social and economic power. If it happens in a small town it will expel the citizens from their house, and it is uncomfortable, it falls behind the back of a very far place in the tobacco patch ... their 3 or 4 blacks are working, I talk to those black people, they say that the clouds are red appearance ... and they emit noises like heavy rain in the distance. In my opinion, Lebanon The reduction of specimens gathered in: Very easy to explain: We are familiar with experience, the influence of the wind , and the strength of the wind - full of damage by the wind called hurricane remaining in our memories In the fresh town, that town, the wind is blown away. Things were shipped for 10 or 20 miles. There are other winds called whirlwinds that have the ability to lift the substance into the air and transport them far away As early as the great era of the United States, the term nobility black was applied to black males who dared to leave the space defined by the white order dominated social order. In order to overcome the white obstacle of the Jim Raven era, Uppity Negroes encountered a violent purpose. Uppity Negroes is fighting for voting rights. Uppity Negros aims to learn and learn to use system rules to transform the system itself. Recently, some serious Uppity Negroes tried to announce the value of Black Lives in Ferguson, Missouri. Calling on this country to achieve its vision is always the mission of Uppity Negro. When a black child reached working age, he found that the US of fered him much less than the whites he offered. The unemployment rate of black adults is twice the white job unemployment rate, but the unemployment rate of black youth is about three times that of white teenager. The annual average income of black men who graduated from the university for four years was only $ 110 higher than white men with only high school diplomas. Blacks occupy 11.5% of the population, but 2% of lawyers and judges, 2% of doctors, 3% of dentists, 1% of engineers and 6% of professors of universities and universities .

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