Friday, October 4, 2019

Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 24

Ethics - Essay Example However, the exact grounds that justify connection between the mind and the body along with the energy associated by which the mental impact upon such physical entity, lies beyond the prevailing reach of human knowledge. Despite this such problem with causation that has hardly found resolution in his philosophy, Hume recognizes that the ultimate basis of all value is desire and emotion while the presence of rational judgment is only assumes the role of determining what makes a person satisfy basic desires toward happiness. On the contrary, the ethics proposed by Kant perceives good will as the sole absolute good wherein moral act does not constitute the will to gratify self-interests and that one’s act can only be considered to possess moral worth if it is done out of duty. Kant further supposes that purity of thoughts are a basis of moral obligation which is generally attached to a universal principle every human deed ought to abide by in order to be labeled moral in nature. Through his metaphysical critique of pure reason, nevertheless, Kant admits that the highest sensibility to knowledge is yet unreachable for even as mind is susceptible to dynamism, its capacity for operating within conf ines of reason and morality is limited by the empirical realm of space and time. While Plato, on the other hand, metaphysically holds the theory of ‘dualism’ in consideration of reality on different levels being composed of ‘forms’ and ‘physical world’ where the latter contains images that are less real than physical objects, he establishes an amply similar argument with Kant’s ethical position. Based on virtue, Plato presents ‘well-being’ as the ultimate end of human’s rational thinking and conduct with which applied virtues form the character traits and pertinent skills that complete an individual. Being a student of Plato, Aristotle

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