Wednesday, November 20, 2019

JWD Consulting wrote a business case before officially initiating the Essay

JWD Consulting wrote a business case before officially initiating the Project Management Intranet Site project - Essay Example There is a need to justify invest in IT project, if at all, it emerges to make sense in the field of IT. In case it does not make sense, then one should look for other alternatives, because you cannot automate everything. Feasibility study is therefore used to reveal this project justification, where it makes the project appear proactive and effective in tackling issues in the field of IT. Feasibility study identifies project associated risks, and the risk management efforts required. There are a number of things indicated in the feasibility study (â€Å"Justifying a software development project,† 2006). The first one is identifying potential implementation alternative. In case things go contrary to popular opinion, there always exist a number of options for implementation. The second one is determining economic feasibility where the IT project should meet the question of whether it is of financial sense. Economic feasibility is determined by conducting a cost or benefit analy sis which compares the full costs of the project to its full financial benefits. If the benefits exceed the cost, the IT project definitely turns to be more proactive and effective. The third one is determining technical feasibility of the IT project. The real question that needs to be answered is whether a technology can actually be built. To achieve this, investigation should be done on the technologies suitable for the project. All technologies seem to work well on marketing slide, but the main problem experienced is that of choice. It is therefore important to identify alternatives for each technology as well as their advantages and disadvantages (â€Å"Justifying a software development project,† 2006). Finally, we have operational feasibility where IT project is not only required to make technical and economic sense, but also make operational sense as well. The basic question answered, in this case, is

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