Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sense and Sensibility Data Sheet free essay sample

The setting for Sense and Sensibility is in England in the early 1800s, somewhere in a country setting. During this time, your social class and wealth was very important. The main classes were the wealthy people or the ‘lesser gentry’. The Dashwoods were part of the lesser gentry. Characters – Mrs. Dashwood – Mother of Elinor, Marianne and Margret. Is a romantic, wants the best for her daughters. Elinor Dashwood – Daughter of Mr/Mrs. Dashwood. Heroine of the novel. Composed yet affectionate. Henry Dashwood – Father of John Dashwood and the girls. Dies in the beginning. Fanny Dashwood – wife of John Dashwood. Selfish, snobby and manipulative. John Dashwood – Heir to the Norland Estate. Weak-minded, money hungry. Margret Dashwood – youngest daughter of Mr/Mrs Henry Dashwood. Shares her sister’s romantic tendencies. Marianne Dashwood – second daughter of Mr/Mrs. Henry Dashwood. Spontaneous, sensible. Mrs. Ferras – Mother of Edward and Robert. Wealthy, manipulative. Disinherits son for marrying below status. We will write a custom essay sample on Sense and Sensibility Data Sheet or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Edward Ferras – Older brother of Fanny and Robert. Sensible. Robert Ferras – younger brother of Edward and Fanny. A coxcomb. Miss Sophia Grey – heiress who marries Willoughby. Wealthy. Mrs. Jennings – Mother of Lady Middleton. Gossipy. Lady Middleton – distant relative of the Dashwoods Sir John Middleton – distant relative of the Dashwoods. Vulgar. John Willoughby – Marianne’s crush. Attractive but deceitful. Conflicts – wealth vs. poverty passion vs. reason marrying for love vs. for security Elinor represents sense and reason while Marianne has a romantic and passionate nature. Marianne believes Colonel Brandon is too old and sensible for her and also is passionate for John Willoughby, but is later rejected by him. Then later, it is known that he rejected her because he needed to marry in order to secure his place in society. Elinor abandons reason briefly and falls in love with Edward Ferras, but when she’s rejected, she blames herself for abandoning her sensibility. Edward decides to follow his heart rather than his mother’s wishes and returns to Elinor. Vocabulary- 1. Devolve – (v) to lower in power 2. Moiety – (n) a lesser share of something else. 3. Prudent – (adj) acting with or showing care and thought for the future 4. Amiable – (adj) a friendly and pleasant manner 5. Alloy – (v) make (something) worse by adding something inferior to the mix. 6. Indecorous – (adj) Not decorous; not in keeping with good taste and propriety; imprope 7. Diffident – (adj) modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence 8. Barouche – (n) a four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage with a collapsible hood over the rear half, a seat in front for the driver, and seats facing each other for the passengers, used esp. in the 19th century. 9. Innate – (adj) inborn; natural 10. Aggrandizement – (n) an increase in the power, status, or wealth of 11. Insinuation – (n) an unpleasant hint or suggestion of something bad 12. Demense – (n) land attached to a manor and retained for the owners own use 13. Pique – (v. t. ) to pride oneself 14. Insipid – (adj) lacking interest or taste 15. Censure – (v. t. ) express severe disapproval of (someone or something) Theme – ‘Status is more important than love. ’ Throughout the whole novel, the more important part of finding someone to marry is marrying someone that is good enough for you to keep your status in society. Passages – Volume 2, Chapter 5: Mrs. Jennings too enthusiastic to be careful and was having too much fun to notice what was important. But, she was also very wise, and had a strength of character and will. Elinor had learned of her engagement to Edward Ferrars from Lucy, and Marianne was seeking explanation from Willoughby. Elinor couldn’t say anything about the engagement because Lucy swore her to secrecy. Marianne was writing notes to Willoughby and Elinor, therefore, making the assumption that Marianne and Willoughby must be engaged. Marianne was anxious and overwrought for some reason, and she lashes out at her sister. A note arrived and Marianne was sure it must be an answer from Willoughby, but she was wrong and disappointed. For me! cried Marianne, stepping hastily forward. No, maam, for my mistress. But Marianne, not convinced, took it instantly up. It is, indeed, for Mrs. Jennings; how provoking! You are expecting a letter, then? said Elinor, unable to be longer silent. Yes, a littlenot much. After a short pause. You have no confidence in me, Marianne. Nay, Elinor this reproach from youyou who have confidence in no one! Me! returned Elinor, in some confusion; indeed, Marianne, I have nothing to tell. Nor I, answered Marianne with energy; our situations then are alike. We have neither of us any thing to tell; you, because you communicate, and I, because I conceal nothing. Volume 3, Chapter 7: Marianne was grieving because of Willoughbys betrayal and Elinors disappointment added to her sadness. Mariannes self-neglect was beginning to take its toll on her in the form of an illness. Colonel Brandon was more alert to the danger than either of the Dashwood sisters. Marianne got up the next morning at her usual time; to every enquiry replied that she was better, and tried to prove herself so, by engaging in her accustomary employments. But a day spent in sitting shivering over the fire with a book in her hand, which she was unable to read, or in lying, weary and languid, on a sofa, did not speak much in favour of her amendment; and when, at last, she went early to bed, more and more indisposed, Colonel Brandon was only astonished at her sisters composure, who, though attending and nursing her the whole day, against Mariannes inclination, and forcing proper medicines on her at night, trusted, like Marianne, to the certainty and efficacy of sleep, and felt no real alarm. A very restless and feverish night, however, disappointed the expectation of both; and when Marianne, after persisting in rising, confessed herself unable to sit up, and returned voluntarily to her bed, Elinor was very ready to adopt Mrs. Jenningss advice, of sending for the Palmers apothecary. Volume 3, Chapter 8: Willoughby had come specifically to see Elinor. He had heard of Mariannes illness, was distraught, and had come, to make you hate me one degree less than you do now. I mean to offer some kind of explanation, some kind of apology, and by convincing you, that though I have been always a blockhead, I have not been always a rascal, to obtain something like forgiveness He failed in fulfilling his wish, the effort making him even more unworthy. Elinor was horrified and her first instinct was to leave him, but he restrained her and made clear that convention be hanged, he would talk to her. With me! in the utmost amazementwell, sir, be quickand if you can, less violent. Sit down, and I will be both. She hesitated; she knew not what to do. The possibility of Colonel Brandons arriving and finding her there came across her. But she had promised to hear him; and her curiosity no less than her honor was engaged. After a moments recollection, therefore, concluding that prudence required dispatch, and that her acquiescence would best promote it, she walked silently towards the table, and sat down. He took the opposite chair; and for half a minute not a word was said by either. Experiences – This story does not relate to me at all. I’ve never been in love, and I definitely don’t look at a guy with the intention of making sure my social status is in tact. I’ve never been with a guy, or had the pressure of my mom to try and get me with a guy. This story is completely irrelevant when compared to my personal experiences.

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